Download PDF Remittances and Development Lessons from Latin America (Latin American Development Forum)
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Book Details :
Published on: 2008-02-08
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Original language: English
Workers' remittances have become a major source of financing for developing countries and are especially important in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is at the top of the ranking of remittance receiving regions in the world. While there has been a recent surge in analytical work on the topic, this book is motivated by the large heterogeneity in migration and remittance patterns across countries and regions, and by the fact that existing evidence for Latin America and the Caribbean is restricted to only a few countries, such as Mexico and El Salvador. Because the nature of the phenomenon varies across countries, its development impact and policy implications are also likely to differ in ways that are still largely unknown. This book helps fill the gap by exploring, in the specific context of Latin America and Caribbean countries, some of the main questions faced by policymakers when trying to respond to increasing remittances flows. The book relies on cross-country panel data and household surveys for 11 Latin American countries to explore the development impact of remittance flows along several dimensions: growth, poverty, inequality, schooling, health, labor supply, financial development, and real exchange rates. VOX CEPRs Policy Portal Baldwin Beck Bnassy-Qur Blanchard Corsetti De Grauwe den Haan Giavazzi Gros Kalemli-Ozcan Micossi Papaioannou Pesenti Pissarides Tabellini Weder ... - Development With the Sustainable Development Goals the world has set itself ambitious targets for the next 15 years. But ambition will also be essential if we are to collect and ... Remittances - a massive transfer of wealth out of America ... Remittances - a massive transfer of wealth out of America CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform issues legislation projects research Brazil facts information pictures ... Get information facts and pictures about Brazil at Make research projects and school reports about Brazil easy with credible articles from our ... NextBillion Development Associate. The GIIN is looking to hire a Development Associate in a growing fast-paced nonprofit organization to support strategic fundraising efforts ... Topics in Latin America and the Caribbean - Inter-American ... The Inter-American Development Bank has among its tasks the implementation of initiatives projects and investments in various social issues. Currently the Bank is ... Development - OECD Data and research on development including official development assistance (ODA) aid architecture and effectiveness conflict fragility evaluation gender ... Latin America - Wikipedia Latin America is a group of countries and dependencies in the Americas where Romance languages are predominant. The term originated in 19th century France as ... 15 Steps to Better Border Security: Reducing America's ... One of many concerns raised by the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington is the security of U.S. borders. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 ... History of Cuban-American Relations - Ian Chadwick In late 2004 Castro rescinds the use of the American dollar in Cuba for future transactions citing increased restrictions made by the Bush administration to limit ...
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