Download Ebook BookStrengthening Intangible Infrastructures

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Published on: 2013-12-01
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Original language: English
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The term 'infrastructure' commonly refers to the partly naturally given, partly manmade constitutive conditions that affect, enable, and ensure our everyday lives. This concept is generally used in an economic sense and highlights the material and institutional facilities of our environment that can be summed up as the tangible means which our societies are based upon. Consequently, talking about 'intangible infrastructures' may appear to be a somewhat unusual concept. The term 'intangible' includes areas of our lives that are not (or are not primarily) represented physically; it points to invisible realms of the human existence, both intellectually or knowledge-based; to cultural and even ethical matters, and to the social adhesives and cultural techniques that civilizations are being built on. As 'intangible infrastructures', we regard them as fundamental for our well-being and for a good quality of life. This volume is a result of a two-day conference held in December 2012 in Salzburg, Austria, which brought together researchers and practitioners from manifold scientific backgrounds, including sociology, philosophy, social geography, economics, urban studies, political science, history, communication sciences and public communication. The text draws a map of current discourse on intangible infrastructures, and provides strategies of strengthening intangible infrastructures. Smart Grid Projects in Europe: lessons learned and current ... 6 JRC Reference Report Smart Grid projects in Europe: lessons learned and current developments acKnoWledGementS We would like to thank Marcelo Masera (JRC-IE) Terminology - UNISDR Terminology on DRR UNISDR develop these basic definitions on disaster risk reduction to promote a common understanding on the subject for use by the public ... Embassy of Ethiopia - Washington D.C. Home Ethiopia expressed its strong commitment towards strengthening its role on climate change at the Committee of African Heads of State on Climate Change (CAHOSCC ... Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural ... Website of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding communities living heritage United Nations ... UNESCOs 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage indicates five broad domains in which among others intangible cultural ... 5.ii. Nanotechnologies Advanced Materials Biotechnology ... HORIZON 2020 - Work Programme 2016 - 2017 Nanotechnologies Advanced Materials Biotechnology and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing Part 5.ii - Page 2 of 120 Pagadian - Wikipedia Pagadian is on the northeastern side of the Western Mindanao region bordering on Illana Bay. It is bounded by the municipalities of Tigbao and Dumalinao on the ... Papers - Public Private Dialogue State of Play - Public-Private Dialogue Benjamin Herzberg & Lili Sisombat; The World Bank Group Public-Private Dialogue Working Paper Series 2016 Culture and development - United Nations Culture: a driver and an enabler of sustainable development Thematic Think Piece UNESCO The views expressed in this paper are those of the signing agencies and Office of the New York State Comptroller: Local Government ... Find a list of publications for use by local government officials and others interested in government issues and finance.
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